Ready for action - The man with 'no' tattoo


Ready for action - The man with 'no' tattoo

Nicholas presents one of of the biggest highlight of his career acting and performance dance alongside Dominic Cooper on the action thriller Stratton. He performs with an epic explosive bullet to the chest, showing how incredible his acting jobs can be.


Training diaries of a professional stuntman


Training diaries of a professional stuntman

The life of a stuntman for A-list movies isn't easy to handle. Nicholas takes us through the challenges of keeping his body in top-notch condition to perform at the highest level in the film industry. Do you know what it takes to be a professional stuntman? 


A Wild Investment - Adopt an Orangutan


A Wild Investment - Adopt an Orangutan

19th August is World Orangutan Day. Every year this date is set aside to raise awareness and educate the public to the terrible plight faced by the Orangutan in Borneo and Sumatra. As Ambassador for Orangutan Appeal UK, Nicholas Daines shows how everyone can get involved on this special day.
